Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan Di UMM

perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan di Umm sangat pesat berkat kepercayaan publik yang sangat besar. UMM memiliki 3 kampus besar dan modern, selujas lebih dari 40 hektar. Publik menyebutnya sebagai kampus putih ( The White Campus ) semakin hari UMM semakin mantap menjadi perguruan tinggi yang diperhitungkan oleh Indonesia. Setiap tahun selalu menambah koleksi prestasi baik dari institusi pemerintah, lokal maupun nasional, hingga lembaga lembaga di luar negeri. Demikian juga prestasi yang ditunjukkan oleh mahasiswa, sangat membanggakan.

Selain menjalin kerjasama dengan lebih dari 87 instansi dalam negeri (Pemerintah,Perguruan Tinggi,dan Swasta).UMM juga telah membangun kerjasama dengan instansi luar negeri , baik melalui G to G , G to U , maupun U to U.Saat ini UMM twerhubung dengan 13 Universitas di Eropa dan 9 Universitas di Asia untuk pertukaran dosen dan mahasiswa dalam prograM Erasmus Mundus for Cooperation Window.Program ini menawarkan beasiswa bagi dosen dan mahasiswa UMM untuk di kirim ke Eropa , dan sebaliknya.Program ini sepenuhnya di biayai oleh komisi Uni Eropa.Kuatnya link kerjasama luar negeri  inilah UMM mendapat penghargaan kehormatan masuk 20 besar PT di Indonesia dalam kategori Higher Education Institution tahun 2008 (dosen dan mahasiswa) ; Perancis (untuk penelitian budaya) ; Jepang (program JICA) ; Korea (Venture Academy untuk program Consultation and Training Development ) , dan lain-lain.
Keunggulan layanan akademik di UMM adalah telah digunakan suatu sistem melalui aplikasi software Manajemen Administrasi Akademik (MAA) Web Based. Ada pun MAA yang berbasis web ini dapat langsung diakses melalui internet dibuat dalam bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, dan Bahasa Arab. Menu yang mudah dipahami oleh pemakai (user), mempercepat layanan, mempercepat layanan data, mempermudah laporan dengan keamanan (security) yang terjamin dan sangat fleksibel. Dengan menggunakan High Technologi  yang akan menjamin proses pengendalian akademis yang efektif, efisien dan akurasi tinggi. Dengan MAA, layanan mahasiswa lebih cepat dan akurat dalam penyelesaian urusan akademiknya maka dibentuk lembaga infikom guna penyempurnaan.

 Sumber: http://evagadisbelia.wordpress.com/2012/08/30/perkembangan-ilmu-pengetahuan/

Perkembangan IT di UMM

In the development of IT (information technology) people are required to be able to reach all the available information. Convergence of IT or Information Technology is also called fokusisasi encourage people ready to compete in the arena of global competition (global competition).
From time to time, IT technology is encouraging the public to understand the technology in a free fall, it rarely affected the people that negative information. Not much imagination there criminal acts based cyber crime.
The influence of information technology is what gives a lot of leading edge solutions for the good of all society in the social sphere.
IT developments are also not as well off with the role of telecommunications advancement, without the synergy of these two aspects. community can not afford to take a chance that good (the best chance) to get closer to the technology (drawing near Ourselves technologically) as close to the technology brought us to progress.
Telecommunications in the community is helping people to be able to accelerate the deployment of information and memtransmisikan tekkhnologi it. Development of human civilization is accompanied by the development of ways to deliver information (hereinafter referred to as Information Technology). Starting from the pictures that had no meaning in the walls, laying a milestone in the form of inscriptions until the introduction of the world’s flow of information that became known as the INTERNET. The information presented was developed.
Information Technology (IT) is an industry that grew so rapidly in recent years, and will continue for years to come.
Developments in the IT industry requires a better formalization and precise about the job, a profession related to IT expertise. Development of the field of Telematics and Information Technology needs to be balanced with the rapid preparation of qualified human resources, in anticipation of global competition is getting closer.
One special characteristic of the field of Information Technology is the focus of attention of the discipline that is more applicable. Field of information technology leads to better management of data and information within an enterprise (company or other employee organizations), with the use of computer technology and data communication techniques and more emphasis on the utilization of existing tools to increase productivity. In its development in line with the new economic paradigm, the information technology becomes a powerful weapon in improving communication and interaction with the stake holdernya enterprise.
The information revolution is a combination of science and technology have changed the source of wealth is no longer a matter such as the industrial revolution but in the form of information and knowledge applied to work to create a value. Whoever controls the information then he will take over the world, so given the increasing importance of information and the situation of a region, then hadirlah agadide this website to be a bridge to the information from all corners of the world.
source: http://agadide.tripod.com/id82.html